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Trade for Economic Growth - A Strategy for India?

 Author:  DEEPAK JAGDISH SAKSENA (Former Indian Ambassador to WTO)

Language:  English
Duration:  32 min
Rating:   4.5
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This course will explain trade deals-especially the free trade agreements or FTAs with some of India’s trading partners and the way to go for India. They can help leverage trade for growth and jobs and be a win-win for India.

Trade as many of you know is an engine of economic growth-if it fires, it can be like the incoming tide that will lift all boats to raise millions out of poverty and trigger the creation of jobs and wealth. It can also provide consumers with a choice of products and services at the most competitive prices. On the other hand, free trade can be very distributive too. It can wipe out agriculture livelihoods, and industrial enterprises and jobs across sectors and countries causing widespread disturbance and unemployment.

This characteristic of trade of creating winners and losers-developing or devastating, depending on whether it is fair or not makes it a double-edged sword. From colonial times, countries that have mastered the instrument of trade policy have prospered while those that fail to do so have suffered a drain of wealth and impoverishment.

This course comprises of a decade of experience of a trade expert and negotiator to take you through India’s past journey of entering into various trade deals, draw out lessons from it and also try to explore various pathways to the future including specific DOs and DON’Ts.

  • If you’re a trade professional, entrepreneur or student of economics or trade, this course brings you a ring-side view of the international trade arena from India’s contemporary perspective through the eyes of someone who has seen it all.
  • Researchers working on trade and development economics will benefit from the first-hand perspective of how countries and companies get impacted by Free trade and how professional trade can be used to get market access for exporters and for protecting livelihoods against those who use scale and subsidization for weaponizing trade.
  • Analysts, trade policy watchers would find here in an alternate path adopting a protectionist approach in the form of an opportunity to leverage exports as job creation as well as imports for facilitating the transfer of technology and attracting investments that usually follow trade.
  • Finally, this course raises some insightful questions and tries to provide insightful answers which will be useful to all those who have an interest in India’s economic policy including those preparing for competitive exams and interviews for the IAS and other civil services.

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