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Parenting: An Ordeal or A Smile ?

 Author:  Jyoti Verma

Language:  English
Duration:  1 hr 13 min
Rating:   4.5
Downloads (12)
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I thought of developing this course inspired from my own struggles be it were in the mind or otherwise. A thought that perhaps my talks on my struggles can help someone defeat the negative functions in life or inspire to carry forward the legacy  taking pride in parenting joyously.

This course will help the people in the following areas:

1.The people can understand what actually Parenting is?

2.What does it mean to be a Parent

3.They will understand the difference between ancient and Modern Day Parenting

4.It will help to relate to their issues and address them pleasingly

5.It will help them understand the role of a Parent from the view of contemporary needs


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