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A behavioral science focuses on studying how the actions of people affect their development, their relationship with others, and their future behaviors. It’s a vast, varied, and complex field and one that can take a person into various directions.Some of the different duties a behavioral scientist may handle on a regular basis include:•Investigate different health issues facing a subset of the population and develop programs that combat those issues•Assist in identifying potential signs of violence in patients or inmates and develop methods to reduce the likelihood that those people will commit crimes•Gather and analyze data about a particular group or population segment as it applies to a specific issueBehavioral scientists can work in numerous areas, often working as counselors, social workers, criminologists, and more. It is also possible to enter the health education field with a behavioral science background, in which case one will work on educational programs that focus on behaviors of patients or groups of people.Behavioral Science began being studied predominately in the early 1900s. One of the pioneers of the study is John B Watson. He began teaching as a professor of psychology at Johns Hopkins University in 1908. In 1915 he served as the president of the American Psychologist Association (APA). Some of his methods in studying behavioral science have been controversial. One of these instances was the "Little Albert" experiment. This experiment was to condition a child to fear a white rat. The fear also translated to other furry white things. This was done by associating the objects with a loud clanging noise. A point that drew controversy is that the child was never de-conditioned. In 1957 he received the APA's Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions.In 2009, behavioral scientists conducted a report on loss aversion (Gächter et al., 2009). The research concluded that the pain of losing is psychologically twice as powerful as the pleasure of gaining. Behavioral scientists use loss aversion now in studying human behavior. It has helped show why in some instances penalty frames are more effective than reward frames in motivating human behavior.The goal of the behavioral and social sciences is to better understand human behaviors and apply this understanding to improving the quality of life for people. Because so many behaviors have an impact on health, social and behavioral sciences are an important component of studying individual and group health.Sources- Various, Britannica, Wikipedia..


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