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English: Second Language: A Mountain Published on: 07, Nov, 2021


Publishing, Literature, Editing

My work experience as an english teacher and varied other roles with diffrent organisations often left me with a variety of experiences. One such experience that I want to share with you is that whenever I joined a new school where children of remote areas used to come, I was often told at first instance, here , children don't speak in english,they can't express in english, this is hindi speakig region and all whereas managements always expressed a wish for  frequent   and easy usage of the language by the pupils.
All those comments perhaps were used to intimidate me, there used to be a double edged sword for me always.
Anyways, instead of being scared, every behaviour often helped me to renew my determination for the subject.It used to be a challenge for me but somehow I was able to take up that challenge boldly.
Now, with my interaction,the children often showed good visible results in the form that they were able to express well as per their age in the language, they were able to enact on the stage, their reading was better and interest was somehow built.
Now when a teacher is not defeated on the work ground then enters politics, in our subject the child is not performing well , how can he show better performance in your subject that too in the second language. Then starts the bombardment over the child, the child gets nervous , not able to express and what to say?
Often confronting such things sometimes left me in Hamlet's dilemma. I started thinking to myself."Am I going wrong, what is the issue that was bothering ,what wrong is going on?
I am a very liberal person by nature who likes to focus on personal work and is hardly bothered what is going on around.For this reason never liked peeping around even.
But then I thought, I must need to check what is the issue. And I started watching and observing people silently.
What I found and learnt, " The people who were nagging and snubbing actually were not well versed in the language, their communication skill was weaker, were using cheap help books, instead of explaining the whole chapter used to narrate the summary, no word to word explanations were being given.So, just to hide their own limitaions, incompetencies they created fuss and politics to divert the focus of the authorities.
Moral is that never give ears to the negative comments when you are doing the right just like the Deaf frog keep climbing the tree till you reach the top and ignoring all screams. All these screamers will definitely cheer you up one day.
Another thing is that english is a wonderful language,easy to use and everyone can use with little effort.Moreover it is international language means the language of today' people, the way to build bond and communication globally, and it is not without a cause.It is because of its quality.
Thirdly, it is not a mountain, it is a language which everyone can learn easily even an illiterate learns it quickly to use it for speaking purpose.
Above all , when a child is born, he knows no language and he learns his mother tongue whatsoever it might be just by watching and observing.
Similarly, with little efforts english, though a second language can be learnt and used easily.
Otherwise, also every language is a mean to communicate so I don't think we hould have any bias towards any language.


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