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Teaching English to Non English: A Herculean Task Published on: 06, Nov, 2021


Publishing, Literature, Editing

Teaching English to non-english is a difficult task ,undoubtedly. Difficult is fine but is it really something impossible? No, ofcourse, it is not, incase the teacher is well versed, knows the art and is a considerate one.I have even witnessed people learning the language without any teacher, yes, that is sometimes non standard but , people have learnt this language independently without any help by just noticing others.
Now to understand its difficulty let's first try to understand why it is difficut?
and to understand this I would like to categorise the Non - english learners into five categories: 
1.Children with resources and environment
2.Children without resources 
3.Chidren with resources but no environment
4..Adults with basic undrstanding
5.Adults with zero understanding of the language
In  the first case, teaching can be done with an ease by mere dictating, being interactive, showing ,reading, writing means following a normal pattern of mother tongue or routine of the basic four skills of learning any language.
The reason is that the learners are in a learning mode ,ready to learn and do and have enough back up.

In second case as well we can follow the same routine but here one has to provide back ups and make the process bit easier. It can be like repetition of what has been done in the class, do a little and give ample practice, interacting in small and easier ways etcetra.

In the third case, it is bit difficult because the learner is not ready to learn and whatever will be given it has to be done vehemently.For this , one has to first develop the interest. And to develop the interest a lot of juggling has to be done like one has to be more friendly , reach out the minds, understand the situations and needs and hit the nails as per the need. Warm ups are to be done. One has to move in a slow pattern from easy to moderate and then to difficult.

In the fourth case,again it is not very difficult, because here, the basic need is to develop their interst for reading and enhance their vocabulary. Once it is done, teaching will be quicker and easier.

In the fifth case , it is going to be a Herculean Task because they are going to be difficult because of the reasons. First, they are adults means tough and rigid minds. Secondly, it will be an exercise to develop their interest and make them learn completely new things which they never heard or seen before and at this age the possibility is the lesser capacity to retain what has been learnt and another to maintain discipline. 
Thus, in this case again one has to be tricky and witty to maintain and develop interest. This can be again done with warm ups and lot of patience and perseverance. Next the most important measure one has to take here is instead of using mother tongue style or direct approach of learning ,relate everything to mother tongue,show and do , give repetitive exercise drills.
Concluding, I would like to say, the language is not difficult to teach ,if we choose to understand the need and opt the right approach.


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