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Vastu and jyotish (Astrology) cannot do without each other. Since they are like air and water; they are guiding factors. In the socio-economic context of the ancient and middle ages. jyotish (Astrology) and thus is old as the Vedas themselves. Jyotish literally means ‘light of god’ or ‘path to fulfillment of desires’. Astrology represents ‘eyes’ in the vedic body as it enables us to see our past, present and future. This ‘divine eye’ is achieved by those who are well versed in the scientific study and application of the language of heavenly bodies. These heavenly bodies have great influence on our life and houses.Vastu Shastra is the sublime elucidation of your surrounding and their influence on your life. Vastu literally means " house" or Dwelling Place and its principles establish to create a harmony between the fine elements viz. Earth, Sky, Fire, Water and Air in the environment.Vastu Shastra unifies the science, art, astronomy and astrology, it can also be said as an ancient mystic science for designing and building. Vastu Shastra helps us to make our lives better and will secure from things going wrong.One can place himself in such a manner so as to absorb the maximum benefit from the panchabhutas, the five elements (space, air, fire, water and earth) as well as from the influence of magnetic fields surrounding the earth.The scientific use of the elements create perfectly balanced environment, which ensures enhanced health, wealth and prosperity.Greeks and Astronomy – The people of ancient Greece were always fascinated by the stars and the other celestial bodies in the night sky. Although astrology is primarily about determining a person’s personality or fortune, it requires a knowledge of the position of the stars and planets; astronomy is an important aspect of astrology. To make a prediction using outer space, you must first know about the universe itself and all it includes, at least that which you can see from the surface of Earth.Historical philosophers from ancient Greece played a big part in what we know today about the moon, the shape of the Earth, the Earth’s position in the galaxy, and the position of constellations and how they move throughout the year. Greek philosophers like Empedocles and Anaxagoras theorized on the shape of the Earth, and Aristarchus figured the size, both constructing their ideas from calculations made during a lunar eclipse.But other Greek philosophers and astronomers determined the orbital paths of the planets and their correlation with the stars around them, which was the most important discovery since astrologers could use this information to make more accurate predictions. Greek astrologers needed the ability to know when constellations and planets were going to be in the sky.Egyptians and stars –Ancient Egyptian astronomers may have discovered variable stars, and calculated the period of a well-known one called Algol, thousands of years before Europeans. But they buried those observations in a calendar designed to predict lucky and unlucky days, wrapped in religious narratives, so it's taken some work for modern scholars to tease out the hidden discovery.Not all of the stars in the night sky shine steadily. Some, called variable stars, appear to fade and brighten at regular intervals. These stars are actually part of binary systems, and when the dimmer member of the pair passes between us and its brighter sibling, it causes an eclipse, so the bright star seems to fade from the night sky for a few minutes or hours. European astronomers first described a variable star called Mira in 1596, and another called Algol in 1669. John Goodricke calculated the orbital period of Algol's two stars over a century later, in 1783 -- but it turns out the ancient Egyptians had worked that out over a millennium and a half earlier.It's worked into the Calendar of Lucky and Unlucky Days, an ancient Egyptian text that recorded which days were likely to be lucky or unlucky, with specific advice for things like travel, feasts, religious offerings, and the likely outcomes of childbirth or illness. The timing of good days and bad followed astronomical events, the timing of the Nile flood, and seasonal shifts in weather.Sources- Various, Britannica, Wikipedia..


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