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Why Officers No Longer Prefer a Delhi Posting as Deputy Secretary/Director in GOI Published on: 24, Sep, 2021


Publishing, Literature, Editing

Why do officers, particularly IAS officers not line up for a Delhi posting anymore?

Today, it has become rare to see a hot race to come to Delhi on a posting as a Joint Secretary, let alone as a Deputy Secretary or Director.

In the 70s and 80s, an officer was known by the merit they had earned as a Deputy Secretary or Director. Delhi taught you how to write good notes, improve your English, get used to discussing policy issues, learn the ropes of Parliamentary working, and most importantly to network with a wide cross section of officers from different cadres.

A posting in a ‘good’ Ministry – the ‘good’ ones being economic Ministries like Commerce, Economic Affairs, Petroleum etc was a dream come true. Rare would it be for an officer to be considered suitable for empanelment as a Joint Secretary until they had done a stint as a DS or Director in GOI. And to be a Joint Secretary was like being the captain of a ship – fully in command of the sections and areas of work assigned. A solid Joint Secretary in those days was as much of a demi-god as a strong Secretary today. I recall joining Commerce Ministry as a DS. Officers like Mr BP (Bobby Misra) who was JS East Europe and Russia and Mr Anwarul Hoda, JS Trade Policy/GATT were very high in blue-chip ranking both in government and in the eyes of the corporate world.

A head-down-serious stint as a DS/Director assured one of being picked up in a good Ministry later, as a JS – because of the networking and patronage that it helped one to develop, especially with one’s powerful JS boss who would by then have ascended to become an Additional Secretary or Secretary – and their recommendation was all that was needed to get you to a good posting.

Reasons why people are not opting for Delhi:

Clearly things have changed. The god of small things is no longer being worshipped.



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