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Site of Ancient Olympics to be digitally preserved Published on: 12, Nov, 2021


Publishing, Literature, Editing

Olympia, a small town in Elis on the Peloponnese peninsula in Greece, which was an important Panhellenic religious sanctuary, where Olympic Games were held every four years throughout classical antiquity, has become a part of an extremely important digital collaboration.In a recent collaboration between Greek Government and Microsoft, it was decided that ancient Olympia will be digitally preserved, this will be done by using artificial intelligence to map and augmented reality for restoring the site. Through these groundbreaking efforts, viewers will be able to explore the ancient site just the way it stood 2000 years back. It’ll help people to tour the site remotely or in person with an augmented reality mobile app. This’ll also allow people, when at Olympic Museum at Athens, to use HoloLens headset to overlay a digital version of the site. Microsoft augmented reality smart glass HoloLens use multiple lens, advance optics and holograms for displaying information, blending with the real world or simulating a virtual world. This collaboration aims at preserving 27  monuments, including Olympic Stadium, Temple of Zeus and Hera and the workshop of Phidias. 

Brad Smith, the president of Microsoft said: "The project to digitally preserve Ancient Olympia is a stunning achievement in cultural heritage, bringing together humanity and cutting-edge technology to benefit the world, and empower coming generations with new ways to explore our past."
 Image Credit- copyright @ Creative Commons 


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