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Reliogion:A Philosophy : A Way Of Life Published on: 05, Oct, 2021


Publishing, Literature, Editing

Every religion that evolved on this land has a set of rules,principles ,a way of life following which we can lead better lives, we can be better human beings, we can have better control over ourselves and perhaps can be better script writers of our life! What I wish to put up with these words is that every religion came to help the people, to eradicate their miseries, to help them renounce the lower ways and enter into the higher world of values.Basically, if we delve deeper and ponder a little we shall find that the base of every religion is the same and that is to teach humanity to humans.
But on the contrary, what we observe is that often humanity is lost and rest every thing is being done or followed. Like we shall go to any religious place  , we shall bow to the altars, we shall distribute sweets and the moment we are out we shall look down upon the weeker sects,  we shall find people do Shoe service with full devotion the purpose of which is to be humble in behaviour but the moment out we just wear the tag of being so and so and we display bitterness.
Sometimes, I think do we really follow the religion that we claim to follow? Or we just bear it as a name for identity. 
Because no religion has ever taught disgraceful behaviour, no religion has taught us inhumanity, no religion has asked us to be anger bombs then how we are claiming their tags.
I think the names of religions should be changed to philosophy and and every follower should be asked to show the proof of being its true follower not in terms of any kind of restrictions on food or clothes but by showing the behaviour as a human being in the society , towards fellow human beings.


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