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Parenting is not caging Published on: 05, Oct, 2021


Publishing, Literature, Editing

There is no formula, no equation that can describe a parent. Art of parenting often comes natural but still  we often need guidance whenever a difficult situation arises. i don't know parents are made of what chemicals that they never retreat a step to extend a helping hand to their children irrespective of the age or any other bar.
yet inspite of dong everything the parents have to sometimes face unpleasant situation s with the children. But these situations have no power to weaken the bond between a parent and a child. However tense the situations might be, however difficult the circumstances may be, with every confronation and every odd the bond keep strenghtening for sure though temporary conflicts may arise.
The challenge if any is there that is we have to learn to develop the culture of trust, culture to embrace the difference, culture to celebrate the difference, the culture to believe in the abilities and the culture of freedom and space which we often forget in the realm of possessions engorssed in selfish pursuits and our self woven thoughts. Just have patience and let them proove themselves and their worth, let them fly freely carefully and see.
Elderly people often used to say,"Never cage the people you love, caging will bring nothing but bitterness,shattered personality and nothing.True love will have wings and will flourish all the more with freedom and will ultimately stand to the test. Just have patience."
Most of the people might find it preachy and a mere another advice, but believe me I am also a parent and I have gone through an ardous struggle from the day one I became a parent.
I belong to a middle class family. My both parents were in government jobs and we were often given whatever was needed, and we were taught to live well using the optimum.
When I got married, I came to know that my husband was without job though my both parents-in-law were also in government jobs as such the family was okay but as you know if husband is not earning well in the Indian families the wives have to bear with few biased behaviours.Moreover they have other children as well to look after.
The major issue was and is my husband's youngest brother whois suffering from cerebral palsy and few other things.On the very first day of my marriage I was given a sermon that the my family has this kind of plight so you have to bear with few things. One was He will never leave his brother and second, we shall have one child only. Owing to this plight he even compromised on his career and I was also asked to focus more on family which was quite presurising but somehow everything was managed.
But the day I became mother, my financial condition bothered me, I had to face some other behaviours as well because often I used to be alone morally because my husband's whole concern was his aging parents and his ailing brother.
So, my son was and is my sole responsibilty, though noone will accept this but that I know'
Financial constraints were very much there inspite of the fact that I also started working.
My son was little fatty, had bronchial allergy which mostly boys have in childhood accoring to doctors but is cured with the age, but for all this I had to run a lot with him.In addition he developed passion for dancing which initially he took just as exercise but gradually, an instinct was developed to excel , to win in him as well as in me. Now, you know if child is average or is good at one thing the aprent has only one challenge that is to settle the child. But I had the challenge to identify his area of excellence because he was and is equally good instudies, dance ,his curricular and extracurricular. My challenge and fear,"What would be my son?I didn't have much money and my husband was also average in income. But somehow, we were able to meet and manage the expenses.Managing his studies and other activities and the challenge to make him reach where he desrves and the fear not to let him swayed ever always bothered my mind a lot.
If you ask me, I shall say, I had gone throug a lot to nurture my child rather I went beyond my limits, I always  tried to give  the best in every possible  way - be it faith, writing habit, supporting his dance or studies ,I did everything beyond my limits. But now if I speak all this before others they would say,"What have you done? every parent does that. Perhaps my son would also say sometimes,"You often pressurised me you acted   like a authoritarian at times but whenever in the right temprament, he do accepts and knows all the difference.
Today, I am grateful to almighty though now I have some other challenges but I am grateful. 
, I am happy  that  he is able to accomplish his studies in the field of his choice with all grace and excellence and is offering his services and is an independent person, though I  too have some differences with him .
The whole point of sharing is that parenting is a bliss, we must cherish the moments. Every complaint is nothing but a dew drop and will vanish in seconds so let's find and creayte the ways together to live happy, healthy and enriched lives with our children.Let's learn to tresure the moments, treasure and embrace the people!


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