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My Environment- My Responsibility Published on: 05, Oct, 2021


Publishing, Literature, Editing

My Environment- My Responsibility
We all talk and hear a lot about Sustainable Development, but  what it really is? 
It is a development that we can sustain. retain for a longer span of time, for the years and centuries to come. To enable the future generations and present generations enjoy the resources avialable to lead a quality life.
Now we must be having a question in our mind- what we can do? This is Government's task. This is a big tall talk.This is not individual task.
But If I say no,it's not just a big tall talk or Government's task rather each one of us can contribute to it from where we are and with who we are.
Now, again question is How?
Before I reply this, I would like to raise  questions-  We all have heard that Gandhi Ji used to wear only two dhotis ,Why?
Was he a poor man? Was he not able to afford to buy?
No, He was a potential man with a vision. Who wanted to contribute to Sustainable Development and was concerned not  just about himself rather for the whole humanity. He wanted to use the resources with wisdom so that along with usage they can be saved and treasured.
Now, I would like to share a story;
Once a man was walking on a beach and while walking he noticed lot of  fish were dying because of being thrown  outside the  water and to save them he started picking them up one by one and dropped into the water. A small boy was watching him and he asked ,"What are you doing, Dada? " He said,"I am saving their life." The boy said,"But they are too many in number, how can you save them all?' The man did not stop  rather, while dropping another fish into the water he said, "But ,I am able to save this one " He meant  that the life right in front of us, the immediate environment or issue is what matters if we are able to make a change in our immediate we shall be able to bring a ripple effect.
Hearing , watching and understanding, the boy supported him in the task. 
Seeing them both, all the people present on the beech followed them in the task and eventually, all of them were saved.
Thus, moral is that as individuals we need to identify what and how we can make difference?
Like homemakers can use peel offs of vegetables to make manure for plants, A.C'S and water purifier's water can be used to water the plants and sweeping the floor, we can take the responsibility to switch off all the electrical gadgets if not in use, turn off the taps if not in use,we can treasure the plants by saving them , by keeping the places neat and clean, by using eco-friendly things and opting eco-friendly ways, by not polluting , by not littering the ground, the list is too long ...... and the most important is by being healthy and keeping healthy...... yes, we can contribute to this Sustainable Development goal on individual sclae and make this world a healthier place to live.
Towards the end ,I would like to say,
Yess, My environment is My Responsibility.
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