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Learn to Grow with the Growing Children Published on: 05, Oct, 2021


Publishing, Literature, Editing

The challenges I faced in my life are the inspiration behind writing about parenting.Someone was asking me rather was saying, "Now your child is grown up ,why you are searching, reading and writing about it? What is the need?" I had a smile and my mind further asked,"Is parenting a thing or task that can ever stop? Till the last breath I am a parent, till the end of my life  my child will turn to me whenever he or she needs a moral boost up , so, I need to keep growing... 
Now you must be wondering ...growing.... why?
Because, when children were kids, they were very young,emotional befooling or blackmailing was easy, it was quite easy to make them hear you, get their nod to whatever you wanted but as they will grow from childhood to teens and from teens to youth and from youth to their adulthood at every step their behaviour, their needs are going to change. And with their growing needs if we didn't change our minds and didn't grow with the changing scenario again we shall be in a fix and will be in a complaining mode,
If we really want to be happy and supportive parents, we have to learn to grow, develop and change and learn to give freedom and space to the children,
Rather, I would say that we have to learn to treat them as individuals and stop calling them children after a certain age.The reason is by keep calling them chidren somewhere we put a stop in the minds, we create a gap , an age gap ,a pedestal gap.
Once we treat and consider them individuals, the block flies and they start opening up and they flourish....they think, act, respond in a responsible manner...


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