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Just One Action Published on: 02, Mar, 2022


Publishing, Literature, Editing

Now a days,we often hear people talking and discussing and flaring talks on gender equality.Hearing and even sometime being a part of those talks or arranging discussions on these issues ,I was just pondering ,thinking how is it possible to make this thought of equality flow freely in a natural manner.
It was then,I had a chance to visit Akal Academy Baru Sahib schools and I was just wondered as if someone brought me here to reply all my queries.
I could see clearly the thought ,the strategy ,the mind of a real Leader Sant Shiromani Padamshri Baba Iqbal Singh Ji
I could see his management ,his leadership,his vision not in any statement , not in any words but observed as manifestation in the system he has created.
The best part that one action  is the uniform he has selected .This uniform is unique as it is not just representing its culture but this had abolished all gender differences.
It is truly said Leaders lead not in words but in every action and conduct. Their very presence is enlightening.


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