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Education : A Changed Face Published on: 27, Oct, 2021


Publishing, Literature, Editing

Today with the changing times and changing needs,the role of education and teachers is also on changing mode.Today's education is not confined to the four walls and teacher's role is no more mere teaching inside the four walls.
Today's education is not confined to the books and notebooks ,it is far beyond. It is more based on individual needs and interests.
Today's teachers are not there to mere teach rather they are more facilitators whose job is to dig and bring forth the potentials inherent. Their role is to help the child not just in learning but in exploring, indentifying ,connecting and relating.
Today's child knows more than a teacher because of the exposure to multimedia learning.Then how can the teacher afford to be a traditional teacher.The teachers have to change their ways and  minds to keep pace with the changing needs of the time.They have to enhance their capabilities and capacities.
Because today's child can't be controlled by instructions rather they need logical statements for everything.They need reason for everything.
Today is the time where teacher and student together can learn and the student knows more undoubtedly becuse of the resources available so teacher's role other than teaching is to help the student to imbibe and implement, apply and practice, distinguish and determine.
It is not the time to make the students sit and cram few things rather it is time to engage them to learn ,to do and practice to excel in learning.
In ancient times, the families were joint,one parent had three or more than three children who learnt to adjust with their birth and today, Parents have neutral single families and one or hardly two children and if more, then, number can exceed to three and that's all.These children get whatever they need even before they demand and they are pampered.
So, how can the teacher afford to be a traditional teacher with a frown on forehead and stick in hand ?
The teacher has to be child friendly, warm and welcoming!


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