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Diversity: A Curse or A Boon Published on: 18, Nov, 2021


Publishing, Literature, Editing

Squirrel can not fly
Ducks can not climb tree
Tortoise can not run fast
Ass can not think wise
All are unique 
and have their own Brightie
But system wants Each
to comply with all...
System has its own chains
and tells itself helpless and bleak!
Some were camels
Good in desert
Some were mules
Perfect for hills
Some were fish
Who survived in water
But system declared them Fails
As they couldn't fit in All
Some were grapes
Sour to taste
Some were apples
Red and sweet
Some were bananas
Fully white and good for health
Together, they were a Perfect Meal
But System wants them to Go Alone!
Some were Bread
Some were Butter
Some were Salad
Some were Sauce
Some were Curry
Some were eggs
Together they complement each
But System wants A New Reach
Who is at Fault,
Whom to blame?
A Question that often hammers the Brain!
She was Mother of two
For one She was a Pride
For the other
She was of no worth
The person was same
But the impact couldn't be the same
As One was Fish and the other was a Bird
But the System was not ready to accept 
And expected the Same


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