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Crackers free Deepavali Published on: 05, Nov, 2021


Publishing, Literature, Editing

Bugles are being blown in the name of pollution free environment,pollution free Diwali, ways are being suggested, campaigns are being run to awaken the people, to sensitize them towards the environment and a lot of things. But inspite of all these efforts, crackers are being burnt pollution free crackers are an option for less number of people because of affordability, pollution free ways are an option for few decent docile, enlightened people only ......
I spoke to many people and most of them raised one question , If Government is really keen on this issue why licences are being isued for this business? I found this a valid point .Another counter argument was that Government can't stop this because of employment issues.
Now my question is ," Do We really  have no solution to this matter ?
My mind says that we have , we have to come together ,think together to reach a harmonious wayout.
But how? That is a question.


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